Product Management: From Fundamentals to Execution

Course Outline

This course is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in one of the fastest-growing careers in technology: product managers. You will delve into the functions and responsibilities of a product manager and product owner, exploring techniques for market research and prioritization, as well as forecasting strategies for product launches and business investments. The course content includes practical communication and relationship-building tactics with internal teams and stakeholders, plus techniques for validating product assumptions and mitigating risk before the development stage. Additionally, you will learn the intricacies of managing product development workflows, monitoring product performance, addressing technical debt, and formulating in-product marketing and customer acquisition strategies. Upon completing this course, you'll possess not just a firm grounding in product management essentials, but you'll also be equipped with pragmatic tools and tactics to enhance your product creation, accelerate your professional growth, and significantly contribute to your product and organization.

At the end of this course, there will be a multiple-choice, open-book quiz designed to enhance your understanding of the course material.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, the student will: