Controlling Electrical Hazards
- Course Number: E1012
- Credits: 3 hours
- Instructor: Ellen Huang, PE
- Price: $30
Course Outline
To handle electricity safely, it is necessary to understand how it acts, how it can be directed, what hazards it presents, and how these hazards can be controlled. OSHA's electrical standards help minimize these potential hazards by specifying safety aspects in the design and use of electrical equipment and systems. In addition to the basics of electricity, OSHA Publication 3075, Controlling Electrical Hazards, explains the common injuries caused by electrical hazards and the safe practices to prevent electric shock-related injuries and deaths in the workplace. The information contained in the OSHA 3075 is not only essential to electrical engineers, but also valuable to all contractors and design professionals.
At the end of this course, there will be a multiple-choice, open-book quiz designed to enhance your understanding of the course material.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this course, the student will:
- Be able to identify and eliminate or control electrical hazards;
- Be familiar with insulation, guarding, grounding, circuit protection devices and safe work practices;
- Have a better understanding of how electricity works;
- Have a better understanding of how electric shocks occur;
- Have a better understanding of electric shock-related injuries;
- Have a better understanding of how to prevent electrical hazards.