Designing for Radical Energy Efficiency: Concepts and Methods (Timed and Monitored)

Course Outline

Curated for engineers and industry professionals, this course provides a deep dive into innovative methods and principles for achieving radical energy efficiency. It is rooted in a seminal lecture delivered by the esteemed Mr. Amory Lovins to the Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity in 2020. The course centers around the pioneering concepts of Lovins, especially his unique 'Whole System Design’ approach. We will delve into a variety of pertinent topics, encompassing radical energy efficiency, integrative design, sustainable engineering practices, and the future trajectory of energy efficiency. Participants will be equipped with a comprehensive understanding of the practical application of these techniques, contributing to the development of more sustainable and efficient engineering solutions.

At the end of this course, there will be a multiple-choice, open-book quiz designed to enhance your understanding of the course material.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, the student will: